Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Why our democracy is not a great success?

India, the largest democracy of the world, with over 69 million of registered voters and a population of over 111 crores. If we look at the no of people in this country from some developed country’s point of view, it is an amazing number. We have a huge cultural, geographical and natural diversity. We are one of the country with highest no of spoken languages. And of top of all these, one of the most laziest bureaucracy in the world.

To count our other achievements, with second highest population we hardly manage to get few medals in Olympics! A lot of our great researchers need to go to other countries to pursue their research. Many of the students have to go to foreign university in search of quality education. In terms of implementation of technology, we are atleast half a decade behind any developed country, it is when Indian are considered to be talented.

Why all this? Is it that for us only quantity dominates? In any field we dominate, whether it be cricket or anything else, it is basically due to quantity of people. Where in any developed country, the output per person is far beyond than that is ours. Some could be contributed to their advancement in technology, but upto a large extent there are some fundamental faults in the system which we are ignoring. It could be said that some people are lazy, but not everyone is lazy.

One of the fundamental drawback I feel is that, technological and medical related departments are being headed by bureaucrats instead of technocrats and doctors. In govt everything is worked controlled by bureaucrats ( like IAS or people from other administrative services), whether it be a technological department, medical department or any other public sector enterprise ignoring whichever field they might concern.

How can we expect a bureaucrat to understand and allocate resources better than a engineer in any engineering projects. Alas, this is the way we have in our country. Health ministry is controlled by more bureaucrats than doctors, so no wonder our life expectancy is less and our health standards are low as compared to other countries.

An example how engineer when head a engineering department instead of bureaucrat can work wonders is Delhi Metro. One of the most successful enterprise in our country and a technological marvel of our country.

Why don’t we look at country like America in terms of management and technology, when we can follow them in other stupid terms. In USA, each department is headed by a specialist of that field. President’s team like that of Obama’s include excellent managers, lawyers(himself), doctors, engineers and many others. Each government department is headed by a specialist of that field. And we can see the result of their growth. Today, dollar is the standard currency in international market. Everyday in newspapers, don’t we see rupee and other currency as compared to dollar or prices of commodity in international market in terms of dollar. Could economic recession starting from any other country could have affected whole world so badly?

Coming back to our country, how do we manage one of the wealthiest sports club of the world? Yes, BCCI which is among the richest sports club needs no mention of bureaucracy. Wouldn’t things be much better if it would have been headed by a cricketer (could be a retired one). And decisions would be taken in more favor of players/cricket instead of self interest.

Bureaucrats are no doubt needed but not at the topmost level in all organizations. The process of selection of some bureaucrats like IAS do deserve respect. But govt department should be controlled by a person of that field, who can be assisted by a bureaucrat if needed. This would increase the efficiency and boost the performance. Results will be better than they are now.

Then why do we give every power position to a bureaucrat? The answer is simple. Because of political power and greed of some people. No doubt, it would not be favor of the politicians and many other. If we make some fundamental changes like these then chances are more that we can fight corruption better and can land in the list of those developed countries faster and most important of all will have a better life to live. Then how would these people will continue to earn. They are more used to free bread than working.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boot Camp @ India Development Centre, Microsoft

Generally I do not blog about events which are of no use to others. But this one is worth to mention. It was one of the best of the best camps I ever attended.
We (me and 4 other friends of mine:Ram, Rajul, Shailesh and Divya) were going to attend the camp. We reached secunderabad on 6th. The auto we hired from secunderabad station till our hotel did not know the way and where to go. So it was some round trip before we reached the hotel. We had our hotel(Ellaa suites) booked by Microsoft for us was very near to its campus and next to ISB. The hotel was wonderful though I could not see most of its facilities.

There were students from all over the nation to participate in the Boot camp. One of the main motive of boot camp was to meet people with similar frequency. That day, we went to Microsoft campus at 4 and had a introduction with the team of Microsoft. On that day, some of the participant had registered for the intership test. For those who did not register for the test had a skit competition.

For the skit competition we were divided in four groups. Though our skit did not went nice we had a lot of fun preparing and doing that. None of the teammate knew each other before the skit, but after the skit we had a know each other feeling. One of the thing I learnt in this was that understanding among people can be best developed when they are under pressure.

Then next day we had our technical sessions. The sessions were on some of the latest technology of Microsoft by the people who were developing those technologies. The sessions were fine (if not boring). Whatever be the case, it is not just my university teachers, who makes us sleep, but even those engineers. There is no worth in attending these sessions and seminars if you are not interested in them. Sessions can become interesting if they are interactive (one of the reason why my teachers in coaching classes were better than my university teachers).
That day evening we had our dance party which was one of the best event of the camp. That night even the food was awesome, esp. the "Gajar ka halwa".
Then next day we had sessions by some of our friends on robotics and MashUp. We got free nearly at noon 12 that day. After that I went to snow world, which gives you the feeling of being in a snowy place (ie, at -2 to -7degrees). It is one of the most wonderful places to visit and enjoy atleast in south India.
The boot camp was a great learning experience with a lot and lot of fun added to it. To say it in the way of some of my friends from Coiambaitore, it was
awe awe awe awese
awe awe awe awese
awe awe awe awese

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Exams going on

Our exams have finally started. After a long unexpected holiday break. One joke I once read best describes my (and also my friends) situation:

"We students are like rocket,
It is not we aim high
but we start working only when our back is on fire."

Anyway, I have my maths exam tomorrow, so bye for now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Petrol and Diesel Prices should not be reduced

In India, currently Govt regulates the price of most of the petroleum products. Some of them like petrol and diesel which were once subsidized by govt are now turning out to be profit source for the petroleum companies. As the crude oil prices in the international market is coming down(due to economic recession), so is the pressure on govt to decrease the fuel prices in India. If govt wants to decrease the fuel prices then it has to do it very soon before election commission announces the date for elections. After the announcement of the dates of election model code of conduct comes into existence. After model code of conduct comes into existence govt will not be able to reduce the petroleum prices.

If govt makes a major policy decision to deregulate the prices of petrol and diesel then again it has to do it very soon(I don't feel just before elections govt will take such a step). Deregulation of petrol and diesel price is possible and this is the right time to do it. Govt can control the price of cooking gas as deregulation of it is simply not possible in current scenario. Govt provides a subsidy of more than 150 rupees on each LPG cylinder. Deregulation of it will simply rocket hike the prices of LPG and will badly affect a common man. Keeping cooking gas and kerosene under direct govt control and liberating the prices of petrol and diesel is a possible option for govt.

If crude prices further fall in the international market or remain the same then govt will have to decrease the fuel price. I feel decreasing the fuel prices will have an adverse effect on the economy in a long run. Currently, vehicles are one of the major source of environmental pollution. Decreasing the price of fuel will directly increase the environmental pollution. If we look at the statistics then our emission of green house gases is going on much similar pattern as the industrial revolution(or development) phase of developed countries. Since then, developed countries have been a major source of environment pollution.

As some of the adverse effects of climate change are now directly visible, it is now no more a theory or mere assumption. If we also go on the same pattern as that of developed nation in terms of pollution than very soon it will be difficult to control the climate change as it is an irreversible process. Already most of the damage to environment cannot be repaired. Also one of the fact we should keep in mind is that the worst effect of environmental pollution will initially be on the sea coasts of these developing countries. Frequent cyclones, floods, loss of coral reefs, less fishes all are return gift of mother nature for the damage caused by us. The population density in coastal region of developing countries is very high due to the location of sea ports which are major trade centers of economy. A loss of these cannot be repaired in any way.

Along with the environmental pollution, it will also adversely effect our exposure to green technology. People would prefer to take a petrol car instead of a electric car if petrol prices are cheap. It will also demotivate the research and investment in the environment friendly technology, which is the need of hour.

One possible solution to this can be that the profit from petrol and diesel can be diverted towards green technology. This could be in terms of incentives like tax benefit or other similar profit for using the environment friendly technology. This will boost up the morale of these industries and motivate people to use green technology along with earning carbon credits for the nation.

If we dont try to save the environment now with the excuse of economic recession then we have to pay a very heavy price to pay in future. For example consider a scenario where people cuts down a complete forest for resources and boost up the GDP. The exports and domestic consumption for that time will surely be good but in long run will lead to a downfall of GDP. Also it is very expensive to recover a lost resource that to save it.If that forest would have been saved then it would have helped in cleaning the air and also reduced many heart related diseases in nearby areas which would save govt's expenditure on health care and boost up tourism and related activities along with earning carbon credits.

Global economic recession can be used as a turning point for world's economy. This is the time when people will adapt themselves to change then any other time.

Let our culture evolve not die

Valentine day is coming and our nations self proclaimed warrior of Indian Culture will be back in action to save our culture. They have protected our culture and will keep protecting it.

Ram Sene got a achievment to boast about. They are saving us from so called pub culture (whatever it may mean). And how? Dozens of men (probably some might be with some weapon) beated handful of women.They saved a culture which is supposed to teach tolerance, non violence and respect towards women. A culture highly influenced by teaching of Gandhi and Buddha. Both of them have spend their life teaching non violence and tolerance.

And if it was to be the way of these moral police, they should also ban girls from getting any formal education. Even in Ramayan Ram attended gurukul but not Sita. Then why should girls go to schools and colleges. Isn't it against (their's so called) Indian culture?

Indian culture is not what these moral police (like Ram Sene) interpret. It is much different than it. It is about respect for other freedom. respect for diversity, respect for women, tolerance and peace. It is about accepting the wrong and keep improving ourself. It is about change, not stagnance.

As no human is perfect so how can we say about a culture. After all it is human, who makes a culture. As there are shortcoming in human, so there are in our culture. It is not perfect. Our civilization being among one of the oldest (along with Romans and Greeks) have survived where as other civilizations have vanished over the time.

As Charles Darwin once said, "It is not the strongest who survives, but the one who is most adaptable to change". Our culture have been continuing till now because we are adaptable and accepted change. If it would have been only stronger one to survive than Dinasours would have never vanished from earth and humans would not have continued their life till now.

History is evident humans have been shedding most of their wrong practices during these evolution. Lets accept the change and not deny them. After all there is a beauty in evolution also.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Letter From A Father To His Little Son

Dear Pranav,
It’s been 20 months since you set foot in the world. When i held you for the first time in my arms at the hospital, your tiny hands were twitching and your eyes were shut tight. Your clenched fist reminded me of a science lesson that said to get an idea about the size of your heart, you should clench your fist. I could imagine the little heart throbbing inside you. The eternal miracle of birth. When it was my turn to witness it, i cried.

Before i married your mother,
i used to debate one question endlessly with my friend. Which is, “Is it really worth bringing another life into this world?” Especially when terror has become an ugly leitmotif in the canvas of our lives?

When i switched on the TV that Wednesday
night, the question of whether i was right in bringing you into this world haunted me again.

This is my attempt at an answer. Call it catharsis.

I feel there are two ways to raise you. One is to wean you on cynicism. Where you’ll erect a sky-high wall in your mind and live your life pouring scorn on everything you see. Which is one way of insulating yourself from fear... A kind of indifferent machismo.

The other way is to prepare you to live in this world. I can’t imagine the world for you, son. But i can certainly show you the way to live in an uncertain world. Make a pact with yourself. Understand the following early on.

Life is precious. And equally fragile. So every day is a gift. Get up early once in a while just to watch the sun rise. Stare at it intently and burn it in your memory. Be aware of every passing second. Look around you. There’s a thin stalk of plant finding its place under the sun in a crevice on the wall of our apartment.

Appreciate mother’s cooking. Praise it to heavens... Make it a habit to eat together as a family. No, make it a rule. Fall in love with books. Words will transport you to worlds far away. It will also keep you informed and prepared.

Follow your heart. The mind can waver but the heart seldom does. Respect your conscience. It’s like a post-it note from God.

When you grow up, seek a job you love. As you enter the world of careers and cocktails, you’ll get sucked into a vortex called rat race. Don’t be overwhelmed. We’re all human. But have the courage to step out of it. Nothing will be
lost. Some illusions will shatter. Good riddance.

Money. It’s important. But it has its place. Don’t make the mistake of putting it right on top.

Find your love. Hold it dearly. Be a good husband. A patient father. Give your children space to make their mistakes.
But hold them when they fall.

Speak up when you have to. Like this occasion. Whether we like it or not, we’re living in a democracy. Sure it has its pitfalls. But don’t forget the positives too. The real fight in a democracy is between remembering and forgetting. Go and vote. It’s your chance to give shape to the kind of society you want to live in.

Be alert. But try not to live in a state of fear.

It you were to get caught in a situation similar to what happened and should we lose you, then you will have left us with enough lovely memories for the remaining years. That will only happen if you start living every day like it is the last day of your life. Though it can never compensate your loss, at least we’ll find strength in your love for life.
Don’t have regrets. They defeat the very purpose of life. Immersed as i am in work most of the time, this letter is also a wake-up call for me.

Love, Dad

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

This is a very famous poem by Robert Frost and one I love the most.

Whose woods these are I think I know,
His house is in the village though.
He will not see me stopping here,
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer,
To stop without a farmhouse near,
Between the woods and frozen lake,
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake,
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep,
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

No knowledge without college

It was on 9th October I got a mail that I have been short-listed for Microsoft Student Partner(MSP) program by Microsoft. I prepared little bit for MSP test which was to be conducted by Microsoft on 19th of October. The test was basically of C-programming, analytical ability and knowledge of computers.

I reached Bangalore on 18th October in the night and stayed there in a hotel. The next morning we had the session by Microsoft and it was among some of the best I have attended. We had the Mr. Anil W. , recruitment head of Microsoft India. He came to hall 15 minutes before the presentation was to start. As soon as he came he asked us “ How many of you are Hostellers?” We were wondering the reason of his to ask such a question. Next after getting the answer for first question he asked “How many of you are their in college sports team”? For this question he did not get a very good response ( but not bad even). Next question of his appeared quite logical to us was Why he asked first two question? After some wild and incorrect guesses by some of the students he told the answer. For first question he quoted a statement of General Electronics(GE) CEO “ When I am recruiting people and I have two person with equal qualification I will choose the person who have been hosteller”. The reason behind this he stated that a person who have stayed in hostel have good adjusting capability. He meets a diverse kind of people, stays and learns to adjust with them. Such a person has good adjusting ability and more chances of being successful as a team player. He even gave a good example from his college life. He told during his college he had some NRI friends. Whenever their parents use to come they used to bring exotic soaps with them. They generally used lifeboy because it never used to end despite of how much you use it and the way you use it. It could be used for bathing, washing clothes and some other not worth mentioning uses. If their parents used to come in the morning, give them the gifts and use to go to some interesting place for visit, by the evening they used to arrive in the evening everything used to get finished. People who never used to take baths for weeks would then take a bath and even three times a day. This is where the hostel life comes and holds the most interesting part. We learn to adjust with different kind of people, work more efficiently as teams, enjoy and share things. That why they preferred people who have been hosteller.

For next question he told that their are many incidents of suicide by many young people. Why is it so? Because these people cannot accept defeat that much easily as other people can. While playing sport the best thing we develop is the ability to accept defeat and also to work in a team. It is among some of the best things to be learned in life.

Later on he told us different things in his college life. He told us the benefits of participating in different events and tech fests of college. When we participate in college tech fest we do actually develop our organising skills. He told in his time, they had a difficult time to get things work from Carpenter and other staff of college who is not at all interested in working for you at free of cost. They used to have tough time with those people and even the most interesting one. The thing we learn in college is “learn and share, share and learn”.

After that we had our test. I qualified the written test which was much simple and had GD as the next round. Before GD we had the chance of meeting and discussing with other MSPs and had lot of fun. We discussed a lot of things with them and learnt a lot. In GD, the topic I got was “Do social networking sites actually help in developing social skills” . I don't know how many times I read the topic before speaking but did not speak the right points over there. As soon as the GD got over I got some really good points in my mind. But every thing got over by then. Anyway it will work as a motivating source for me to do more better in future. It is generally a better idea to think big and start small.